A 2023 Reflection from Hilary | Holme Beauty
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A 2023 Reflection from Hilary

Image of Hilary standing with the incredibly smart and talented Holme Beauty team.

Hello my dear hearts!

I hope this finds you sighing with relief for a upcoming end of year pause, hopes for some good food and hangs with some people whom you adore and space.

I don't know if I am getting old and this is normal or have you guys felt that 2023 has felt as hard as the past 2? This year has been filled with lots of highs and lows, so many insights and lessons and LOTS of grit.

Perhaps my learnings coming at the end of this year when I feel the need to sigh more and feel sad is actually that I just need to walk into 2024 with a stronger need to find the joy and know the tough shit will be always there and creating space to really acknowledge my wins & how truely light filled life really is.

A summary for my 2nd year in Holme Beauty? WOW.

Growth, customer love & loyalty, incredible wins with products and our offering tripling and a super busy year of Masterclasses- 22 in fact!!

I had a huge priority to focus on building a strong and healthy foundation to the business. We went from a team of 3 to an incredible & epic team of 8, created some amazing new manufacturing relationships off the back of my overseas trips and I deep dived into establishing healthier processes through the business.

I did all of this, knowing that the products were flying out the door just from the work of our own website and business.. I know that big growth is just around the corner and I wanted to be ready & know we can handle it!

And as we come to the end of the year & whilst there is always the critical bitch sitting on my shoulder telling me I could have done better, I know that with some space over the break the gratitude will flood in.

There are so many business owners out there doing so much without talking about running them, publicly, but I guess.. running a business can be a lonely place- all the weight ultimately falls on the leader and that can do things to a person.

If any of you are like me and seeing the real shit that take places whilst building a makeup brand or any business for that matter is what you prefer to see, then I share it to acknowledge the curiosity I hope to encourage at Holme Beauty.

Managing this, plus being a mum to two kids under 5 who feels guilty 24/7 at how much more she should/could/would love to do for them, a wife who probably should give my husband more cuddles, a friend who would like to show up for her friends more and a woman who has never really truely put herself first.

In 2024 that last line will have way more meaning. Ive been talking about this a bit on my socials this year, the need for more space but its starting to really hit home.

Without pledging too many "I want to, I need to, I should, I have to" for the year ahead, Ima going to go fall into the abyss. I wont try and find something inspirational to end on, I'm just owning that Im cooked and ready for a sit in nature or a float in the ocean.

Thank you for being here, thank you for being you in its truest form and thank you for letting me hold space for it. How truly magnificent just owning 100% of what we are, in the very present moment is.

Happy holidays my loves and Ill catch you on the flip in 2024 x

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