It's our 1st birthday!

It feels like it has been but a minute since I held my breath and we pressed LIVE on the launch of our first Holme Beauty product, the Holme Base Primer in the shade Bang!. The feelings I felt then have yet to leave me.. anticipation, nervous energy hoping what we do is received with enthusiasm & excitement but also love. Im sure if you have followed along with who I am and what I do personally, you know I am deep in the feels of this brand and most importantly this message.
Over this past year, as I have personally deep dived into my mental health work and realised so much of why I have created this brand, I know in my heart that Holme Beauty is here to remind you of your own worth. Not the worth of looking like someone else, by acting like someone else.. but just for being 100% you- in all of its forms.
We have had some big shifts this year. With the incredible success of the product launches we have felt pulled in all the directions. With me and my team having worked as full time professional makeups artists to this point, we have come out of the pandemic with two businesses roaring with glee WE NEED YOU! And whilst that has filled up our cups to know what we do is making waves, it also means the tug of war of our time and energy played out. Only very recently we made the hard call the transition the business to be full time Holme Beauty, and by the end of this year finish the service side of what we do.
This means we get to really deep dive into Holme Beauty and be entirely dedicated to everything that’s happening, launching and evolving. I will have more time to spread this important message to everyone through talks, podcasts, media and our important masterclass program.
Here I make space with gratitude to the products we have launched thus far. The primer, our OG & cult product.. never will it waiver in its aid to our day. The highlighters, reminding us daily that this brand is about rewriting the beauty standards, for us to take back the narrative and make our beauty work for us. No more makeup for a video or for a like- the highlighters, like the primer was made for you, to last and to look even better in person but in a relatable & ambient way. And to the brushes.. I mean I designed these tools to support the product application and I bloody love them but soo amazing to see just how much you love them too!!
Almost on the anniversary of Holme Beauty, in a couple of short weeks we will launch our third makeup product and our 7th item!! And gosh, I can’t wait for you to try it. Like the primer, highlighters and brushes - I have worked really bloody hard on this in many ways to ensure this product will support you, not just physically but emotionally.
I am really happy to be able to have this next week of love to give you, to acknowledge our appreciation to our followers and subscribers with lots of giveaways and discounts happening every day.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
Hilary xx