Tired, slightly smelly and always hopeful Mumma.

There are so many fun things that we could have created for our message this Valentine's Day. Previous years we really have encouraged the love of friends and "Galentine's Day" but this year I have been leaning in to listen to you all and myself and I can confidently say that most of us are done.
Being at a level of capacity which makes even thinking hard I don't think many are able to get their own shit sorted, let alone think about a hot forced date with someone who might show interest or someone like the ol ball & chain you have guilted into taking you out for a pub meal- only to fall into a food coma before mains have finished and the idea of giving obligatory thank you sex quickly flies off the table.
How can we bother with anyone else when we are just scraping through? At this time of year, if you aren't one of the few who feel like they really have their shit sorted and are in full abundant flow (well done you!), then you are most likely joining me on negative self talk about how you aren't doing enough or showing up enough for that abundant flow to come into your life just how those self help gurus said there would.
My point? Getting dressed in the morning right now is a win. Washing & blow drying your hair takes all you have to give. Having any % above 1 on the social battery is a surprise, because all you can function with is barely keeping your kids alive and ensuring they aren't starving, smelly and walking out on the road.
So why would I create a campaign to further drive you from yourself? I am and always have- and always will be here to show up for the reality- YOU. Not the perfect version of, the future you or the human you hope to be.. just you. Tired, slightly resentful, on the edge BUT still here. Still hopeful and always excited about what can be created to feel good.
Where does Holme Beauty come into play? Well, I didn't want to create something that didn't make sense for your reality right now- I want to create space with humour and seeing you in all your food covered, stained clothed glory. So I wanted to give you a gift, to say well fucking done for all that you do, even if its not acknowledged by anyone but me- I'm seeing you, resonating with you and leaning in to say heres a little present from me to you and here's some ways we support you to show up, however you can.
Mums, I know we are talking about and seen in certain ways- but are we truly honoured? Or are we just constantly reminded at how we can be better, cleaner, more organised, better cooks, more present and just better. Nup, I'm here to say- right now if exisiting is all you can do then HEY GIRL. HEY.
Keep going, show up and surrender to the shit show- you're magnificent.
Hilary x