World Mental Health Day

Well my love, firstly, Happy World Mental Health Day.
Does it seem ironic I am happy to celebrate such a day when 44% of Australians have experienced a mental disorder and mental & substance use disorders were the second biggest contributor of the non fatal burden of disease in Australia? But how I choose to celebrate reflects only on my passion for the knowing of how, when one prioritises their own mental health, what outcomes can be created.
I have every reason to continue the cycles of trauma carried down my genetic makeup, through my experiences of child sexual abuse through the hands of my mums boyfriend, sexual assault at the hands of taxi drivers, boys in playgrounds & men in clubs, through my ears from bullies, men on streets, teachers, family members, so called "friends" & online trolls.
If I wanted to, I could easily be a product of all of those experiences and have taken on the burden of their hate, abuse & internal chaos & continued to step away from who I am authentically. But my profound passion for rebellion and determination for backing myself when they tell me not to has lead me to a life of always showing up for myself and my mental health.
I have spoken openly, vulnerably, and passionately about this topic because my determination to be my true self, (not the construct others tried to make me), has saved my life. I hope by speaking about my journey that it creates spaces for understanding, compassion and harder conversations.
As I navigate my way out of my own murky mental health times, knowing for sure that there will be more ahead, I hope to tell the story in a way that focuses more on others, much like I do with Holme Beauty. I aim to show up for those who have yet to find what they need for themselves, both personally and through my business.
Today, like any day, I send you love and reassurance that I am here to back you when you struggle. I am endlessly proud of those who keep showing up for themselves.
Much love, Hilary