Wrap up on the craziest 3 months of my life!!!

It hasn’t all been roses…
I don't event know where to start! The past year has been a whirlwind but the past 3 months have been a tornado. A huge accumulation of getting the concealers to market, working on our Holiday launch, going on tour with the concealers (and even getting it happening in the first place) and all the normal parts of running a business aka having a team of 8 reporting directly to me, having 2 kids and a husband and just life.
I know so many of you have been so kind to check in on me and sending me words of encouragement- they have been so uplifting to be honest. The reason we have made it to this point is thanks to the team. Honestly, its something I have worked really hard to cultivate and thats a business filled with employees who don't shy from getting their hands dirty, they don't complain instead they communicate their needs, they know their impact and show up every damn day for their job and they truley just bloody love the business, products & impacts made and you can feel it in the work they deliver to you all. It feels so genuine and thoughtful- even as their boss watching on.
During this time I have discovered that I think this has been the toughest time I have ever experienced in business. Not just due to the financial climate, general world vibes of whats been happening but also just due to the stage of growth we are at. Scaling a business out of small to medium sized and doing so all whilst maintaining our ethos, positioning and enthusiasm AND whilst not getting big funding in- its a goddamn miracle we are still here.
And the reason we are is because of what Holme offers. Its not just the epic product and message.. we genuinely sit down weekly to discuss how we can be better and learn in our customer service and offering. It truely means something to us, to have an impact in the way you are seen and supported. We know we have a long way to go, have so much room for growth and are fucking up alot along the way but we are held by customers who know this and are patient. In the office we don't get bombarded by bad customer service, we receive gentle feedback and are always championed by you all. I know thats not the traditional approach but being so passionate about growing a super group of customers has given us the space to make mistakes and learn without shame and that is what will nourish us to get better and better.
There is no leader more critical on how to get better and learn from mistakes than this ol girl and so its lovely to not have extra pressure to perform- so thank you.
With our holiday launch just around the corner I have to let you know that I kinda cocked up and may have over shot. I got a bit new product development happy so to say........ BUT in my defense the reason why- we have some INCREDIBLE products to share with you. All new formulas and products and they are soooooooooooooo amazing that we had to get them to you as soon as possible. When you see YOU WILL BE SO EXCITED. But from a back end.. launching so many products off the back of 15 shades of concealer for a self funded business.. I kinda fucked up and its been tough going to afford it all hahaa.
So if youre reading this please dont ask me when we are launching a foundation as it may send me into a catatonic state!!
So now that I have shared that, lets just get really bloody excited for whats to come and celebrate the success of what all the hard work has been for the past month. The concealer feedback and reviews have been absolutely insane. Beyond my wildest dreams and we feel so grateful for the success, given we worked so hard to make them and get them to you.
The bus tour was by far the biggest career highlight to date and something that took alot out of us but gave us infinite abundance in return and we felt incredibly privileged to be the people you got to have fun with and have fun with us on a pretty epic activation.
From me to you- thank you! I am so honoured to show up each day for you and do the work we do, my team genuinely adore what they do because your feedback, purchasing, returning, sharing and spreading the Holme love. We adore you all just as much and stoked we got to do this for you.
Much love, Hilary x