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"These are the products everyone woman should have in her make up line up. Do you use these every day? Hell no! Do you do every step shown in this masterclass every day? Gosh, I would be amazed if you did. not even I do!" - Hilary
These products and the steps shown in this masterclass are what you would do for a special occasion, an event or for when you really want to feel 10 out of 10. You might choose at home to just moisturise and put on mascara or do that plus your base. Whatever you choose to do for your own routine, the below products are super important to achieve ANY look.
The Signature ONLINE Masterclass Program
This booklet has been with us since the beginning of the Masterclass in salon profram, It's been loving described as the Holme Beauty Bible. Everyone learns differently and we cover all those bases here in this program. We encourage you to write as much as possible, to draw on the face chart, arrows and swirls or anything that will remind you of the learnings of this class in the future for when you might need it.
Products Used In This Class
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